Dynamic Discs Headquarters Tour
Have you ever wondered what over a quarter of a million discs in one place look like? Would you like to see it in person?

While sitting around talking, we realized that we all remembered the first time we took a tour of a disc golf manufacturer and how amazed we were by the stacks and stacks of shiny new plastic. So we want to share that feeling.

See our shelves. Stamp a disc. Hear our story. We love where we work and want to invite you to see why.

Tours of the Dynamic Discs Headquarters typically take 30-45 minutes. The maximum number of visitors per tour group is 10. If you have a group larger than 10 people, we can split up into two groups.

Tours are available on weekdays from 9 AM to 3 PM.

NOTE: Please schedule your tour at least two business days prior to your requested tour date.

Weekday tour: $25/person (includes a commemorative disc)

840 Overlander Road
Emporia, Kansas 66801
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Preferred Tour Date *
Preferred Tour Time *
Tours are available on weekdays from 10 AM to 3 PM.
Total Number of Guests *
Where are you traveling from? *
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Guest 1 Name *
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Guest 3 Name
Guest 4 Name
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